If bills are piling up, and you can’t seem to get your debts in order, you may be wondering when you should file for bankruptcy. Individuals and married couples experiencing financial problems they are unable to keep up with may benefit from either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
At Duncan & Brow, Attorneys at Law, we can help you with not only the filing process, but also help you determine which type of bankruptcy is best for you. With decades of experience, our team has successfully filed and discharged hundreds of bankruptcy cases and helped dozens of individuals and married couples regain financial independ

Knowing when you should file for bankruptcy is the first step in recovering your financial health. When filing a liquidation bankruptcy (Chapter 7), you may still be able to keep assets you can afford to keep, such as a vehicle or your home.
In situations where you need to catch up important payments you have fallen behind on – such as a car loan or a mortgage – a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be the better option because it will allow you to consolidate those payments and pay them over a period of 3 to 5 years. We will prepare a repayment timeline that works best for you not your creditors.
If you want to discuss whether filing for bankruptcy is right for you, we encourage you to give us a call any time – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will help you on the path to a fresh new start!