If you think your social security cannot be garnished because of student loans think again! If your federal student loans are in default, a portion of your social security disability, retirement or survivor benefits can be garnished by the government to pay your federal student loans. According to a study published by the General Accounting Office (“GOA”) in September of 2014, between 2002 and 2013, the number of people who experienced a garnishment of their social security benefits rose from about 6,000 to over 36,000 people – this is about a 500% increase.
The GAO has reported the amount of student loan debt held by Americans age 65 and older is increasing. And, approximately 27 percent of individuals between the ages of 65 to 74 are in default on their student loans. More than 50 percent of the individuals 75 and older are in default on their student loans. Since student loans are generally non-dischargeable in bankruptcy, many older Americans (and younger ones, too) needlessly suffer through the garnishment of their social security income. There is hope and our office can help you get the results you need.
Your student loan servicer has no incentive to help you stop the garnishment and doesn’t have the time to assist you with the pages and pages of paperwork required to cure the student loan default or help you enter into the right forgiveness program. Many times, the payment you will be quoted by your student loan servicer is higher than the garnishment. We recently reduced a student loan payment from over $800.00 per month to $11.40 per month. We get results. Don’t accept that information provided by your student loan servicer as always being true or accurate. It’s not. You owe it to yourself to obtain a consultation with a lawyer that specializes in student loan debt.
There is hope for everyone experiencing a garnishment of their income from federal student loans. This is true whether you are retired and your social security is being garnished or whether you work and your wages are being garnished. Call us today at 706-755-2928 and let us help you with real, long-lasting, non-bankruptcy solutions to your student loan debt. Our fees are reasonable and payment plans are available. You owe it to yourself and your family to get the help you need.